would-기독정보넷(cjob) 통합검색결과

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would-기독정보넷(cjob) 통합검색결과
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would 기독교구인구직 검색결과



캐나다밴쿠버NBS교수청빙 새창
캐나다 밴쿠버에 소재한 Northwest Baptist Seminary 의 Korean Language Program Team에서는 Theology and Cross-Cultural Leadership을 전공한 Full-Time 교수를 초빙합니다. NBS는 ATS 인준 신학대학원으로서 DMIN in Global Leadership 한국어 과정을 운영하며, ACTS/TWU 에서 MA. MDIV Global Leadership 한국어 과정도 열고 있습니다. 2020년 1월부터 ACTS/TWU에서 Online 과정으로 MACCL (MA…
캐나다밴쿠버... 새창
캐나다 밴쿠...
캐나다밴쿠버NBS신학대학원교수청빙 새창
Northwest Baptist Seminary seeks to hire a half-time faculty member to offer courses in theology and leadership for their Korean language Canadian degree programs. The position is an assistant professor role. The person hired would also provide some administrative support for managing doctoral proje…

기독교기업,반주자,사무간사 구인

캐나다밴쿠버... 새창
캐나다 밴쿠...
유치원 및 유초등부 전도사/ 수학/ 문학 교사 모집 새창
Christian Sprout International School Preschool & Sunday School Pastor / Math / literature teacher Needed 1. Preschool teacher - who can also work as a Hansoon church (founded CSIS) teacher or an associate pastor/ecclesiastic Math : Middle and Highschool 2. Math : 6-12th grade 3. Literature : Hi…

사역지를 찾습니다

Seeking English ministry in Korea 새창
1.5 Korean American seeking for English ministry in Seoul and I prefer somewhere near daechidong in Kangnam ku. I am currently attending Fuller Seminary pursuing Master of Div. and graduating on 06/2007. I have over 3yrs of extensive experience in directing children and youth group ministry in Engli…

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