억지로 진 십자가(막15:21~23) 2022.12.4.주일오전10시30분예배 #김록이목사의마가복음강해 #마가복음강해 #그레이스힐링교회 #유튜브실사원 #김록이목사 |
#유튜브실사원#실천사역전문연구원#그레이스힐링교회▶제1차 |
'심각한 기근'의 날을 말씀하시다 Refer to a day of servere famine (아모스 8장 11~13절) 박보명목사 치유축사 전문 사역자양성원 |
박보명목사 Pastor Bo Myung Park 안내 guidance☛Click the (gear) setting button at the top right of the video - click the language subtitle of the desired country, and then click the (CC subtitle) button.☛ Cliquez sur le bouton de réglage (engrenage) en haut à droite de la vidéo - cliquez sur le sous-t… |
기도할때하품이나오는이유? Why do I yawn when praying? 박보명목사 .치유전문사역자훈련원 |
박보명목사 Pastor Bo Myung Park 안내 guidance☛Click the (gear) setting button at the top right of the video - click the language subtitle of the desired country, and then click the (CC subtitle) button.☛ Cliquez sur le bouton de réglage (engrenage) en haut à droite de la vidéo - cliquez sur le sous-t… |
숨이 막히도록 힘들 때 천국의 향취에 취하게 하시다 He makes me breathlessly intoxicated by the smell of heaven |
박보명목사 P astor Bo Myung Park 안내 guidance☛Click the (gear) setting button at the top right of the video - click the language subtitle of the desired country, and then click the (CC subtitle) button.☛ Cliquez sur le bouton de réglage (engrenage) en haut à droite de la vidéo - cliquez sur le sous-titr… |